pr campaigns

What is a pr campaign?

A PR campaign can take on different shapes and forms - as a result of the different objectives that brands have. Essentially, the definition for a PR campaign is a combination or collection of practices that have specific objectives and share the same goals for a business. Public relations in its meaning is rather self-explanatory.

The practice of public relations manages a brand’s reputation - what a brand does, what it says, and what others say about it. PR overlooks the image of the brand, and all values associated with it in the eyes of the public.

ready to go?

PRs are intended to make the widest possible audience speak positively about your project, in order to attract the attention of people who are key to its development.

  • Drawing up a PESO media plan
  • Creating the key messages / visuals
  • Creating speaks and pitch's
  • Selection of ATL / BTL media representing the company's interest
  • Tutoring for speech
  • Market analysis
  • Creation and Development of a PR department
  • Creating a cross / collab plan
    • starting from $3000

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